Lucie Touré
Lucie is a graduate of l’École Duperré (degree in embroidery), as well as ENSAD (master degree in tex)le and
texture design). She honed her skills for six years in the embroidery and fabric prin)ng ateliers of Paris, working
with pres)gious ready-wear brands and high fashion houses. She opened her own studio in 2018, so she could
focus on applying her tex)le exper)se to paper.
Her crea)ve vision is driven by handmade technics combined with standards which grant preciousness and
delicacy to paper. She slices up, weaves together and embroiders paper to enhance its look, opening up an array
of new uses.
Her crea)ons (from single piece to bigger volume produc)on) are designed primarily for the luxury sector :
interior design, window display, set design, packaging.